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Miniaturka MTV
KSP Mars Ultra Direct: Ludicrous single launch to Mars in Real Solar System
A ludicrous expedition to Mars launched with a single 15 kiloton rocket. Mods used: Real Solar System FAR Deadly Rentry KW rocketry Kerbal Joint Reinforcement TAC life support Music: The End Run - Mass Effect 2 7 Minutes of Terror - John Beck-Hofmann (8 102 089x oglądano na YT)
okejki 2 · 4 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Alan Walker - The Spectre (LUM!X Remix) ♫ Shuffle Dance
(787 952x oglądano na YT)
okejki 1 · 4 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Maine Coon Molly Growing Up (2 Weeks - 1 Year)
This is a video of our precious Molly growing up from two weeks to a year old. The videos and photos in the beginning were sent to us by Molly's breeder. She sent us pictures and videos every week of Molly before we were able to take her home! We love our Molly so much! Follow Annie, Molly & Susie on Instagram: (100 950x oglądano na Y(…)
4 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Jak wyglądają planety przez teleskop? Oczekiwania vs rzeczywistość
Nasz bojownik @Charakterek pewnie będzie mógł wam w komentarzu powiedzieć coś więcej na temat obserwacji planet przez teleskop, więc możecie pytać.
okejki 260 · 30 707x · komentarze 51 · 4 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Manta Ray, Kingfish and some nice footage of a Mako shark having a crack at our kingy at the end... (403 551x oglądano na YT)
okejki 3 · 4 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Alan Walker - Faded (Remix) ♫ Shuffle Dance (Music video) Electro House
Alan Walker - Faded (Remix) ♫ Shuffle Dance (Music video) Electro House Guys Follow my backup channel perfect Suicide :- Elements Plus :- Elements now :- ====================================================================== Hey guys, we ha(…)
okejki 1 · 4 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Bardzo realistyczny model śmigłowca Chinook
Wielozadaniowy, dwusilnikowy, dwuwirnikowy śmigłowiec o dużym udźwigu produkowany przez amerykańską firmę Boeing. Taki jest w oryginale, a model został zaprezentowny na targach w Dortmundzie i robi wrażenie.
okejki 230 · 28 039x · komentarze 18 · 4 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
F-35 vs S-400
Two of the most advanced war fighting platforms currently operations. Each designed to fight the other. Who wins? I started a merch store. Get cool products & help support the channel! For business inquiries/sponsorships - If you'd like to help support me continue to create videos, you can do so here... Patreon(…)
okejki 6 · 4 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
HIGH SPEED MANEUVERS! US Nimitz-class SUPERCARRIER Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) engages in a series of EXTREME RUDDER TESTS during recent sea trials! Many thanks for watching, UMC (10 570 702x oglądano na YT)
okejki 10 · 4 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Incredible video - fishing boats in rough sea
2 fishing vessels brave the Grey River bar in full flood. Greymouth New Zealand HD Video by Geoff Mackley and Bradley Ambrose. (16 004 162x oglądano na YT)
okejki 3 · 4 lat temu