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Oglądasz tylko te filmy, które nadesłał Dragaroth
Miniaturka MTV
Chłopiec i jego pies
Some bonds are truly unbreakable. Like the one between a boy and his dog Duck. To keep him healthy and active at every stage of life, there's IAMS. Ideal nutrition so you can always look forward to what's next. Discover IAMS for Life at (244 309x oglądano na YT)
okejki 7 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Eksperyment z ryżem
This is the second time I have conducted this experiment. Both times I have had the same results, this time I recorded it. The only difference between these to jars is the energy directed at them. The effects of consciousness on reality. Astounding! DO NOT take my word for it. I didn't! Do this experiment for yourself. As far as consciousness effecting reality experiments thi(…)
okejki 5 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Boss Bitches of History: Cleopatra
Welcome to Boss Bitches of History, the new series from Wisecrack dedicated to celebrating emboldened women throughout the ages who bucked the system and boldly faced the sexist powers of their time. The show is created, written and hosted by Sovereign Syre and Ela Darling – two entertainers who defy contemporary standards of American intellectualism and feminism. Sovereign S(…)
okejki 1 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
The Wikisinger
Jedna piosenka, jedno wykonanie w 15 miejscach.
okejki 3 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Poruszająca reklama Duracell
Ktoś tutaj pokroił dużo cebuli. Tylko po co przy reklamie baterii ta cebula?
okejki 221 · 46 563x · komentarze 49 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Urodził się bez rąk a gra na perkusji
Piosenka "Dynamite" grana przez człowieka bez rąk na perkusji
okejki 7 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Bezdomny mężczyzna gra na pianinie
Utwór "Come Sail Away" zespołu Styx zagrany na ulicy Sarasota na Florydzie. Może nie ma domu, ale talent ma na pewno!
okejki 366 · 74 896x · komentarze 88 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Benny the Bull 2014-15
The Red Menace was at it again in 2014-15
okejki 17 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Trzylatka gra w golfa
Three-year-old Grace decided she wanted to go golfing with her dad. Once they got to the driving range she stole the show! Her dad spent the entire time watching her adorable swing and trying to teach her how to hit the ball. Even though she was having trouble she refused to give up! Eventually she found out that practice makes perfect..
okejki 4 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Wiedźmin 3: Dziki Gon - Pieśń „Wilcza zamieć” w 7 językach
Wilcza zamieć w 7 językach. Która najlepsza?
okejki 4 · 8 lat temu